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Fine German Liqueurs


Favorite Brands Koloa brand rums are world famous. They tend to be on the sweeter side, which is perfect for a Maitai. Myers dark rum is often used as the topping for Maitais. It has a stronger taste than Koloa. Select Myers for that classic Maitai taste featured in many restaurant. RHS distillery Honolulu HI has an excellent Lilikoi liqueur, and many other great blends. Tasting sessions are available for a small fee. The host Karel goes out of his way to ensure you are delighted with your selections. Monin Lilikoi Syrup is available from grocery or specialty food stores. Use it instead of liqueur for less punch in your beverage. It is also an ideal sweetener for ice tea.
 RHS Distillieries Lilikoi and Strawberry Liqueurs
RHS Distilleries Lilikoi and Strawberry Liqueurs
Karel from RHS Distillery
Karel from RHS Distilleries displays his collection of brews.
Made in Hawaii Made in Hawaii
© 2020-2022 all content copyright maitailanai


Favorite Brands Koloa brand rums are world famous. They tend to be on the sweeter side, which is perfect for a Maitai. Myers dark rum is often used as the topping for Maitais. It has a stronger taste than Koloa. Select Myers for that classic Maitai taste featured in many restaurant. RHS distillery Honolulu HI has an excellent Lilikoi liqueur, and many other great blends. Tasting sessions are available for a small fee. The host Karel goes out of his way to ensure you are delighted with your selections. Monin Lilikoi Syrup is available from grocery or specialty food stores. Use it instead of liqueur for less punch in your beverage. It is also an ideal sweetener for ice tea.
Fine German Liqueurs
RHS Distilleries Lilikoi and Strawberry Liqueurs
Karel from RHS Distillieries displays his brews.